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联系人:董佩 先生 (业务员)
电 话:0318-7669119
手 机:13231836857







一种采用格宾网生态石笼河道护坡的施工方法,主要特征是改变了传统的河道护坡结构往往只考虑河道的防洪、引水、排涝、蓄水和航运等功能,较少考虑河道的生态功能的不足。 A construction method of ecological gabion gabion revetment river, the main feature is to change the traditional river revetment structures tend to consider only the river flood control, water, drainage, water storage and shipping capabilities, less consideration of ecological functions of river deficiencies. 本发明包括构筑围堰、设置工作台:镇脚施工阶段。 The present invention includes a build a cofferdam, set the stage: the town foot construction phase. 石笼护坡施工结束后,在面层块石之间的缝隙内用土回灌,浇水,保证土填满块石的缝隙,再在块石护坡上面覆盖一层耕植土;水面下种植水生植物,河道岸种植草坪。 After the gabion revetment construction, within the gap between the surface layer of stone recharge with soil, watering, ensure soil stone fill the gap, and then covered with a layer of crushed rock revetment in cultivated soil; planting underwater aquatic plants, planting grass river bank. 本发明的施工工艺中不用水、水泥和模板,施工方便。 The construction process of the present invention, no water, cement and templates, to facilitate construction. 石料之间的缝隙终究会被泥土充填(人工或自然),植物的根系可以通过石料之间的泥土深深扎人边坡,从而工程措施与植被措施相结合,形成柔性的整体护面,满足水土保持和绿化环境的需要,从而恢复原始生态环境。 The gap between the stone will eventually be filled with soil (artificial or natural), plant roots can go deep through mud stone slope between people, so that engineering measures and vegetation measures combine to form a flexible whole armor meet need soil conservation and green environment, thereby restoring the original ecological environment

董佩 先生 (业务员)  
电  话: 0318-7669119
传  真: 0318-7689119
移动电话: 13231836857
公司地址: 中国河北深州市赵八庄工业区
邮  编: 053600
公司主页: http://hongli518.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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深州市宏利五金制造有限公司 公司地址:中国河北深州市赵八庄工业区
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